
Michael Assaf and Meerson, Baruch . 2010. Extinction Of Metastable Stochastic Populations. Physical Review E, 81, 2, Pp. 021116.
Mauro Mobilia and Assaf, Michael . 2010. Fixation In Evolutionary Games Under Non-Vanishing Selection. Epl (Europhysics Letters), 91, 1, Pp. 10002.
Michael Assaf and Mobilia, Mauro . 2010. Large Fluctuations And Fixation In Evolutionary Games. Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment, 2010, 09, Pp. P09009.
Michael Assaf, Meerson, Baruch , and Sasorov, Pavel V. 2010. Large Fluctuations In Stochastic Population Dynamics: Momentum-Space Calculations. Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment, 2010, 07, Pp. P07018.
Michael Assaf and אסף, מיכאל. 2010. Theory Of Large Fluctuations In Stochastic Populations.